A Transition Doula, also known as an End-of-Life Doula or Death Doula, is a non-medical professional who provides holistic support for the dying before, during, and after death.

As a Massage Therapist and Transition Doula, I unite touch, essential oils, and compassion to a sacred space in time!

There are various stages of the dying process and various services that a Transition Doula may provide. We provide Respite Care and 11th Hour Services for a woman in transition. Dying can be fearsome and we believe that no one should die scared or die alone. As a Transition Doula, we want to create for her a beautiful environment with soothing touch therapy, aroma therapy, sound therapy with massage, essential oils, prayer, and compassion. We offer respite care to give the family and loved ones time to rest or needed time away. We offer vigil services at the 11th hour to assist her in relaxing and to release when the time is right. 

I am a member of NEDA (National End of Life Doula Alliance). You can find me listed on the NEDA website directory under Louisville, Kentucky. 

Align Total Wellness is an annual partner with Susan G. Komen More Than Pink Walk. We also have collaborated with KAAAC (Kentucky African Americans Against Cancer) a local organization, as well as, Gilda’s Club. These organizations provide support for people and their loved ones affected by cancer. 

We work alongside your medical team. Unfortunately, hospice has limitations due to insurance restrictions, so this is where a Transition Doula can fill some gaps. While we do not provide medical care, we can provide support during the transition and active dying process.

Her Transition with Dignity, Grace and Peace!

Transition Doula support does not replace hospice or other medical care but enhances it.